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Things we’ve learned working from home

Illustration by Samar Haddad / The Verge | Photography by Vjeran Pavic

When we started working from home in March 2020, many of us who had not worked at home before may have begun with certain assumptions about what it would be like and what we would need. It’s now over two years later, and while we’re now able to spend time in the office, most of us are spending the majority of our working time at home.

We asked The Verge staff members about what they’d learned about working at home. In response, people talked about the need to get away from the desk and to get away from work, the challenges of working in the same space with family, and various strategies for staying sane while staying in the house.

Here’s what they told us.

How I learned to stop worrying and love WFH

OK, I’ll admit it — I’m stubborn. I...

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