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Now TikTok can sell you tickets to see Demi Lovato or the WWE

Demi Lovato Performs in Concert in Barcelona
Demi Lovato, OneRepublic, and Usher can now sell concert tickets through TikTok. | Photo by Xavi Torrent/Redferns

Performers can reach some fans even more directly now that Ticketmaster is selling tickets inside the TikTok app. The partnership means Ticketmaster can take advantage of TikTok’s recommendation feed that helps get artists — and now their event tickets — in front of fans.

Bringing Ticketmaster to TikTok makes sense, based solely on how big a role music plays on the app, but it could also indicate broader plans to delve into the industry. Last month, a report from Insider revealed that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, filed a trademark for “TikTok Music.” The filing describes it as a platform that would allow users to purchase, play, share, and download music.

Image: TikTok / Ticketmaster

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