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Breaking News

Overwatch sixth anniversary event offers ‘remixes’ of popular skins

Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch is bringing back some of its most popular seasonal events to celebrate the game’s sixth anniversary. In the Overwatch Anniversary Remix: Volume 1, Overwatch will open its vault, allowing players the chance to participate in the many special events of seasons past and earn “remixed” versions of some of the game’s best skins.

The first week of the anniversary celebration starts on April 5th with the return of the Summer Games event and Overwatch’s Rocket League-like game mode Lucioball. If trying to score goals with an oversized soccer ball using nothing but a sound gun wielded by a frog DJ isn’t as appealing to you as it is to me, the next day’s event brings back Halloween Terror and, with it, Overwatch’s very own zombie horde...

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