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A Kirby song cover just won a Grammy


Kirby is officially a Grammy award winner — well, at least in spirit. The pink, spherical creature helped earn Charlie Rosen and Jake Silverman a Grammy for the best arrangement, instrumental, or acapella for their take on Meta Knight’s Revenge from the 1996 classic Kirby Superstar. The cover was originally performed by the aptly-named 8-Bit Big Band, a 30 to 65-member orchestra that specializes in putting its own spin on video game music.

In the past, the 8-Bit Big Band has performed Zelda’s Lullaby from the Ocarina of Time, Fourside from Earthbound, Big Blue from F-Zero, and much more. You can listen to the group’s performance of the reimagined Meta Knight’s Revenge in the embed above — it’s a real jazzy take on the original track,...

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