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Breaking News

TikTok CEO asks Instagram, Facebook to help fight TikTok ban

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

TikTok’s interim CEO, Vanessa Pappas, is asking Facebook and Instagram to “publicly join our challenge and support our litigation,” as TikTok faces a new executive order from the Trump administration that will block people from downloading the app beginning September 20th.

The new order was issued by the Department of Commerce on Friday morning, and it essentially states that people aren’t allowed to download TikTok or WeChat beginning on the 20th. TikTok will continue to work in the United States for people who already have the app installed, but future downloads are prohibited.

Pappas’ call to action came in the form of a reply to a tweet by Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, who said that a “US TikTok ban would be quite bad for...

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