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Breaking News

New trailers: Your Honor, Chicago 7, and a little show called The Mandalorian

I was on a bit of a Star Wars kick the past week, watching The Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi, inspired partly by the great news of a new trailer for The Mandalorian’s second season. Tonight, though, I’m planning to stream RBG, the 2018 documentary about the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died Friday.

Here’s the original trailer:


Ginsburg had an absolutely astonishing career and life, and this documentary, along with the 2018 drama On the Basis of Sex, are both great reminders. RBG is streaming on Hulu.

The Mandalorian, Season Two

Then of course, we have the first trailer for the second season of the wildly popular Disney Plus show The Mandalorian. The Child is back (aka “Baby Yoda”). Or, he will be...

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