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How to customize your iPhone’s home screen with widgets and app icons

Your phone, too, could look like absolute garbage, with custom app icons. | Photo by Tom Warren / The Verge

One of the biggest differences between iOS and Android has always been customization. Google’s mobile OS allows users more control over how their software looks and feels, while Apple limits these changes in the name of consistency and usability. But with the launch of iOS 14 last week, iPhone and iPad users are suddenly discovering how to make their phones and tablets look and feel truly different.

Search “#ios14” or “#ios14homescreen” on Twitter, for example, and you’ll see hundreds of examples of themed layouts that combine custom app icons, wallpaper, and widgets. (Be careful, though, as a couple of results for those searches are very much NSFW.) All over TikTok and YouTube, too, people are showing off custom home screens and...

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