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Why Alphabet’s days could be numbered under its new CEO

Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks before signing the White Houses Pledge To Americas Workers at El Centro Community College on October 3rd in Dallas Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks before signing the White Houses Pledge To Americas Workers at El Centro Community College on October 3rd in Dallas | Photo by Ron Jenkins/Getty Images

The tech world has gone a long time since a day like Tuesday, where the industry’s tectonic plates shifted in a fashion sudden and dramatic enough to send newsrooms into momentary turmoil. Being sent into momentary turmoil is half the fun of being a reporter, of course, and so I didn’t even mind when I had to throw out a half-written column about political ads (that hoary old topic again?!) in favor of a send-off for Google’s departing co-founders.

Now that we’ve had a day to consider the implications, it seems striking that there are only two real lines of thinking emerging.

The first is: remind us who Sundar Pichai is, and also can he possibly resolve the many challenges in front of him?

The second is: why does Alphabet exist again?


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