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Google Smart Glasses | Google Glass

"Your Journey, google Lens." He likewise considered including, "Google Glasses, Let's See Where We Can Go", toward the finish of that motto.
Google Glass | is a wearable, voice-controlled Android gadget that looks like a couple of eyeglasses and showcases data legitimately in the client's field of vision. 

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The Google Glassworking framework depends on an adaptation of Android, and it can run applications considered Glassware that is enhanced for the gadget. The glasses have worked in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth availability and a camera for taking photos and recordings.
Google X, Google's cutting edge innovation lab, officially declared its work on Project Glass in 2012. The organization made the gadget accessible to analyzers and designers in mid-2013.
What Makes Google Glass Special? 

This is likely the most progressive wearable versatile innovation seen up until this point. This gadget looks like a couple of glasses. It packs a punch by offering brilliant registering force and usefulness inside its thin, lightweight structure factor. The device conveys little bundles of data legitimately to the client using the utilization of a small scale projector, by utilizing a private channel of correspondence, which is gotten to only by the client. 

Because of its propelled highlights, Glass can likewise work as a recorder or a covert agent camera, recording fantastic sound, pictures and even HD video, by methods for utilizing normal language, voice directions or straightforward hand motions.

This innovation has worked in area mindfulness, accelerometers, spinners, etc, which monitor the client's developments.
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Final word I hope this article helped you to know about Google Smart Glasses. You may also want to see -

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