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Anti-Gravity Case | Smart Accessories

Smart Phone Case lover...

Anti-gravity case | This progressive, head-turning, eye-catching gravity-resisting cell phone case sticks to most smooth, level surfaces without being sticky. Ideal for hands-free selfies, gushing Netflix, Skyping with companions, recording video sites, live spilling with Periscope, working out at the exercise centre and substantially more, you can essentially stick your case straightforwardly to mirrors, windows, kitchen cupboards, tile, whiteboards, and metal
The nano-suction on the Anti-Gravity Case resembles a large number of modest suction cups on the back of your telephone, giving hold regardless of where you are. It even has raised edges to help ensure your screen, plays pleasantly with glass screen defenders, and has strong and grasp agreeable TPU edges for effect assurance, so you can easily switch up the manner in which you utilize your mobile. Click here:- Anti-gravity case


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